How do I cancel a traveler’s booking?

When the traveler needs to cancel:

Travelers should cancel through their Vakay account. You will not need to approve the cancellation. They will receive a refund if within the allotted time to cancel based on your cancellation policy.

If they qualify for a refund, the traveler's financial institution will be able to credit them. 

If you have a Silver Plan, travelers will need to contact you directly.

When you need to cancel a travelers booking:

Under Rental Properties, a property owner can cancel a traveler’s booking, before the traveler takes occupancy. Only in the case of a fire or if the property is unsafe for occupancy. When you cancel a traveler’s reservation, they will receive a 100% refund, minus transaction fees.

  • Login to your Account by clicking on Login on the top right navigation
  • Go to your Dashboard by clicking on your name and Dashboard
  • Click on Rental Properties on the left blue side, then click on Rental Bookings
  • Locate the booking you’d like to cancel and click on the orange Cancel Booking button
  • Fill out the form with why you are cancelling the reservation

The traveler and you will receive an email outlining the cancellation.